Road to Hell

Any of my blog followers of any repute will recall Seville Gav, who I met on my first bike trip abroad, he recently told me to “Go to Hell”, not a phrase you would immediately associate with somebody with whom ( still can’t fathom out who and whom!) you considered to have a friendly relationship with. However, being ‘easily led’, Jacob and I rode the road to Hell, and what a nightmare it was! Arriving in Trondheim we both agreed that this has been our worst day’s ride of both our trips! Not just the rain, the cold, the ridiculously low speed limits, the traffic, but apart from one rather impressive waterfall, no decent scenery at all of any note. And despite all the warning signs for moose, not even a snifter of one, even Sven was tucked away in the pannier!

Rain before 7 fine by 11? I’m not confident!
I think Jacob may be having second thoughts about accompanying me through wet Norway!
Mmmm……so this is why we ride motorbikes? 🤔
One good thing about the about of rain, decent waterfalls!
More of the same!
Leaving north Norway
The vacinity of Hell wasn’t as warm as I’d imagined

Sorry to say Gav, we never actually went to Hell, there were roadworks and the only Hell we endured, other than the ride, was the tunnel of Hell.

Trondheim, not all of it obviously!
The briefest glimpse of sunshine!

Seeing the light

During my final years in the police I must admit that shift work, particularly nightshift, was starting to take its toll. That was at 50 years of age, so now, approaching 66, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that my midnight sun shift arrangement has taken some coping with.

But finally I feel recovered from my night owl exploits and rather feeble fell walk, and feeling refreshed I reassess my situation.

Continue reading “Seeing the light”

Making the most of it!

After collecting the GoPro at 3.30am, I did the necessary posting, had breaky and at 5am headed off on the bike for a two hour ride to the very end of the islands. Here are just some photos, I’m working on other stuff (including video) and may, only may publish later.

The two bridges leading from Fredvang.
The mountain in the background Rachel and I named ‘The Wizard’s Hat’.
Its real name is Volandstinden
Place names don’t get any shorter! The village at end of the islands.
Traditional fishing and seafarers houses are adapted into tourist accommodation.
Many new ones being built specifically for that purpose, which just goes to show where the income lies.
Reine (on my way back)
Cod drying on wooden racks, if you don’t like the smell of fish then it’s probably better that you steer clear!
Again the two bridges to Fredvang
Ramberg Beach

Journey to the Lofoten Islands

In pictures not words.

It’s 10.30pm, warm and still, why would I want to go to bed?
But tomorrow afternoon the weather is supposed to become typically Norwegian, so I need to get a few hours sleep before a very early start! Hopefully more decent photos by tomorrow eve.

Germans, a Norwegian and Two Poles!

You can imagine my surprise as I rolled up at the viewing platform overlooking a fjord to be greeted by a German with the words “Where is the elk, I miss the elk”!

“Err… the pannier drying off after yesterday’s rain” stuttered my response.

It seems that this particular moose is becoming a bit of a star across Scandinavia! It transpires he’d been spied on the island of Sommarøy, sunbathing, swimming, having a couple of beers in the bar. No seriously though, these Germans, two on BMW GS’s (obviously) and two in a Land Rover Defender, had seen the now infamous moto moose at the last hotel!

Looking back towards the village where I stayed
They’re missing the Elk!
Strange to have two bikes and a Land Rover travelling together but it works well for them

As we left Senja the weather started to pick up so Sven was back out as rear gunner.

Some old classics here
A frauline on a GS doing sections of the TET (Trans European Trail) alone
By early afternoon it was getting toasty so I needed to peel off a few layers.
Got chatting with this Norwegian lady who was en route to Sweden for a rally.

Whilst waiting in the reception area of tonight’s hotel a large motorcyclist came in and approached me “Is that your Rocket outside and you’re from England”? The fact I could say yes to both kick started full on biking and travel banter. He and his wife were on their way to ‘The Cape’ and I was the first Brit he’d seen, and also the first Rocket!

The lovely Polish couple
He may not have seen a Brit and a Rocket before but I’d never seen so much luggage on a bike! With much gusto he explained what was contained in each pannier/bag 😆

Tomorrow it’s 150 miles to my accommodation deep into the Lofoten islands, I’m again relishing the prospect as I just know that some of the scenery will be magnificent!