September 2020
A motorcyclist since 17 years of age I am now 64 and been away from bikes for about 10 years. To say this is a mid life crisis is stretching the term a little, yes this is a crisis but highly unlikely that it’s mid life!
The reason it’s a crisis is that my beloved wife and travel buddy, who had appeared to have dealt well with her cancer of two years ago, suddenly and unexpectedly became ill, the cancer had returned with a vengeance and took her in two months.
I sold the motorhome, which had given us years of enjoyment and travel throughout most of Europe’s countries, and returned to motorcycling.
Some of our motorhome travels can be found here:
Rachel and I met through our mutual interest in bikes and between us owned about 25.
I managed to con the police into paying me for riding them and eventually became Cumbria Police’s motorcycle instructor during the late 1980’s and early 90’s. I became actively involved in the BMW Club until my interest waned about 10 years ago.
The devastating twist to my life of losing Rachel has seen me hit the reset button as far as travel is concerned, time will tell if it was a wise move.