Best ’til Last

La Gomera saved its best weather until my last day, no heated handlebars on, no waterproofs, no riding through cloud, it’s as if it doesn’t want me to leave, and I leave reluctantly.

It’s been another day of meeting people, like I have a neon sign above my head flashing ‘This man needs help’! I really didn’t understand why Gina and Lothar invited me to sit with them at lunch. I placed my bike gear down at a nearby table and they immediately invited me to join them, of course The Yes Man accepted their kind invitation. I could write a story about our interaction but as usual, halfway through a trip, I’m now starting to even bore myself with these ramblings! Suffice to say Lothar said “She never invites people to be with us”! Gina? “I had a feeling”, and it seems the experience I have been going through for the last 20 months may actually have helped them in some small way. It will come as no surprise that I’m to call in to see them whenever I’m passing through Hamburg!

My contact list is now twice as big as when I started this trip, however I didn’t exchange details with The Ice Men, a group from Iceland on rented Harleys who came over to chew the fat, or maybe blubber 🤷🏻‍♂️

I took quite a bit of video footage today, however the Relive app will only allow a total of one minute, hence the very short clips. I have photographs and videos coming out of my ears but I think by now you should certainly have grasped what this place is like.

I return to Tenerife tomorrow on the 2pm ferry.

12 Replies to “Best ’til Last”

  1. The island looks beautiful in the sunshine – more friends met 😊. More adventures tomorrow- beer tonight 🍺x

  2. You seem to have an adventure and meet nice new people around every corner Brian and there are lots of corners where you are!
    We’re giving the motorhome it’s first airing this year. It’s been a gorgeous sunny spring day so we’ve travelled a full 40 minutes drive from home to Llangollen yet we could be a million miles away! Xx

    1. 😆 You’re right about the corners, I wonder how many I’ve done?! 😆 Yeah you don’t have to go far to feel the freedom of getting away, it’ll do you both the world of good! 🤗🥰xx

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