
Just to put all your minds at rest, Reg and I hit the road again at 12 noon and all is well. It was a tiresome 150 mile ride north with lots of lories to contend with and we didn’t arrive here until nearly 5pm. It’s a tiny village between Rouen and Paris (the red dot on the map photo), and the nearest place for something to eat meant a short ride out in the warm evening sunshine.

A few photos of our day:

Reg packed and ready to roll again
Our route north via the dog leg to Tours
It was great to get out without all the luggage on
About to leave the restaurant car park
A fine looking chap!

14 Replies to “Update”

    1. Straight to Norfolk on Friday night for a family event, must be home on Sunday (Covid day 2 test 🙄) then it’s catching up with family and friends for most of October 😱

  1. Glad to see both you and Reg back on the road. Lovely pics.
    No smelly cheese tonight?? Are you looking forward to being back home? X

  2. Good to hear all is well with Reg and you finally got under way again if a little late.

    That final shot of Reg looking towards the sunset looks fantastic and is quite apt as you travel towards the end of your adventure, but with many more planned I suspect.

    Safe journey big bird.

  3. That drive up through Northern France can be rather boring!
    Look forward to seeing you in Norfolk.
    Let us know when you arrive.
    We’re going to Sheringham today.
    Happy travels.

    1. The actual test so easy but the info needed for the passenger locator form was extreme but it’ll be irrelevant for you if things remain the same from 4th Oct

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