Back to the Future

This trip would never have happened but for an event forty years ago.

Had a police motorcyclist not ‘T-boned’ a drunk driver, then ‘Bill’ would never have been a ‘witness for the defence’ in the spurious allegation against a certain PC Kinsella for the offence of careless driving.

Surprisingly we have remained friends ever since, I hasten to add that no fine nor licence penalty points played any part in this. Let’s just say that despite my ‘coming together with the side of a car’ we still hit it off as bikers.

I look forward very much to our trip, hopefully there’ll be no more ‘coming togethers’ with other motorists?😬

4 Replies to “Back to the Future”

  1. Coming together? Reg would slice a bike-shaped hole right through most cars 🤣

    …but probably wise not to try 😜

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