The quickest of updates

Another hard one at the office!

We didn’t arrive at our hotel until 7.10pm whereupon we were told that “If you want to eat in the restaurant tonight then I’ll book your table for 7.30”. Well we certainly needed to eat and as there is nowhere else then it was a quick dash to make it on time. Of course Jacob with his fully loaded BMW GS has sufficient time to unpack and have a shower before 7.30, me on the other hand spends all the time pfaffing on with luggage and straps. On the plus side he got the beers in which were well deserved after a very full day in the saddles.

I haven’t time to gather all the media together from our epic day’s ride, but just to keep you wolves from the door here are a few hastily cobbled together photos.

The weather was so good that the world’s favourite (and possibly only) moto moose makes a reappearance!
Somewhere in Norway
Somewhere else
Same place as the last one
Aah now this is…….. 🤔
Descending to Lysebotn. This is and amazing hairpin road, more to follow….
A well concealed housing estate!
The view from my hotel bedroom window

6 Replies to “The quickest of updates”

  1. Yippee Sven is back 😍😂😂Love the titles on your photos. View from your room is lovely. It will be dad to say goodbye to Jacob ☹️X

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