Reg the Rocket

This will not be everybody’s cup of tea but needed to be done for my own satisfaction’ watch until you’re bored 😬

10 Replies to “Reg the Rocket”

  1. Phil and I just watched this over breakfast – absolutely brilliant, didn’t want it to end. I can’t help but think how proud Rachel would have been to see you embrace life after her passing in the incredible way you have – you never cease to amaze. Look forward to seeing you out and about with Reg again. ⛴️🕶️🍻🏍️Now get writing that book 📕 😜xx

  2. Just watched your adventurous Rocket story. As an “elder” rider myself it sparked up emotions I’d normally leave unexplored;suffice it to say the lost and found of it all resonated. Speaking of lost but keeping things light, I noticed on the beautiful background map my home of Prince Edward Island must have dropped off? No worries, to replace it I’d recommend just pinning half a raisin up there where P.E.I. ought to be. It being so small and me being so wrinkled and all, it’ll do fine. Cheers!

    1. 😆 What an interesting comment Walter ☺️ Due to my lack of geographical knowledge I had to Google PEI but now I know where it is your comments make perfect sense 😆 I’ve never been ‘across the pond’ but there’s a chance this year, although it’ll be to the west of The States. Thanks 🙂👍🏼

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