On board the ferry home

As is always the case there’s a tinge of sadness as I wave goodbye to my family at St Jouan after just a couple of days with Amy, Yann, Evan, Arthur and Yann’s family Luc, Servane and Yann’s brother Gwendal. Loneliness, just a hint, but positivity of seeing Sarah & Rob in the next day or so, and what more could one want than a relatively calm night crossing assured?

I was very comfortably accommodated in Chez Luc,, Yann’s folks’ new gite, should any reader be looking for a place on the outskirts of St Malo you know where to come! 😆

I may do a proper review of my trip once home as I’m just rattling this off on my phone in the boat’s bar.

Until then, or next time? Thanks for reading 🤗

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