The Long Trek North

It was yet another lovely morning as I packed up the car on the sunshine coast, if the weather forecast is to be believed it’s not due to rain here for another 9 days and then it’s just for the one day. But it was only 2 hours before the windscreen wipers were getting a good thrashing about, temperatures dropped to 4c as I crossed the Sierra Morena north of Seville, but once I’d cleared the high plains things looked up, the sun re-emerged and it got to a relatively toasty 17c, although the wind chill factor determined that at motorway speeds the roof should stay up.

Reluctantly leaving behind a constant 17c

Today’s first leg of 346 miles would be the longest time I’d spent behind a steering wheel, or in fact holding handlebars, since pre cancer. It went surprisingly well, I was no more tired than any normal sexagenarian would be, probably helped by having a ‘Grand Touring’ machine, or at least I can kid myself into thinking that.

Lunch stop, I plumped for what I thought was beef as it seemed a safer option than the sausages. Turned out to be liver, but it should be good for me 😬
Typical roadside furniture
Room with a view, of the car.
Looks fishy!

The Kevin Mystery

For those of you who are still wondering about the note on my windscreen, it turned out to basically be an advert from a fellow Porsche owner wishing to sell his car. A little bit like a wrapped Christmas present, often turns out to be more exciting than when it’s unwrapped 😆.

If you didn’t already know, I at least ‘like’ everybody’s comment and mostly reply, but you probably don’t get a notification so I’m telling you now, but please don’t feel any NEED to comment. 🙂

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