Brief update from Alvor

Paul and Marissa are two friends Rachel and I met on one of our early motorhome trips, they’re still doing the Europe motorhoming thing and Portugal is a favourite of theirs. We knew that we would all be in Alvor at the same time so planned to meet up on Sunday. We unexpectedly bumped into them on the Saturday and ended up sharing a couple of bottles (or more) before our planned meet up the next day, when we shared a couple of bottles (or more).

Despite the hair starting to grow back, the top of my head seems to be lagging behind a little, so for safety’s sake, and with Sarah’s words ringing in my ears, I broke out the factor 50 at the weekend. The next couple of days are due to be cloudy with a bit of rain but it’s still pleasantly warm, by comparison to home!

The car is doing a good job of replacing the motorbike, so far I have had no longing to be on two wheels.

Our unexpected first meeting with Paul and Marissa
Looking back towards Alvor from the nature reserve walkway
I’ve cut me out of the photo as I don’t want to scare younger readers.
Marissa holding the most travelled Flat Stanley

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