Time flies when you’re having fun.
It only seems like yesterday that I was told I had cancer, and yet here I am eleven months on, supposedly cancer free. I wouldn’t say that it’s been fun, but it’s certainly flown by, I only hope the rest of my life slows down a bit, I want to enjoy this time!
When I was initially told of my cancer I looked at the year ahead. It was like looking up towards a dark wooded fell, I couldn’t see very far ahead due to it being such a dense forest. The shadows seemed to hide all kinds of evil and uncertainty. I set foot on the climb, only looking at the ground a few feet ahead, occasionally slipping, stumbling and colliding painfully with protruding rocks. It was a long, tough climb with everything seeming to conspire against my progress. I struggled up the steep slopes, the dark gnarly branches of the tightly packed trees appearing to reach out and scratch me as I stumbled across the slippery surface. My arms and torso sore with scratches, my whole body drained from the effort of the steepness of the hill, but my mind staying positive that the next step was all I needed to do.
After slogging my way up the arduous path I was eventually greeted with a glimpse of brightness shining through the branches some distance ahead. It gave me hope that all would be well. As I cleared the last of the trees I saw the blue sky opening out ahead of me and the sun shining, all was looking good and that’s where I stand now. Clear of the darkness and peril behind me, I look back down the fell thoughtfully and feel a sense of achievement to have cleared the dark forest. The summit is now in view but I know that there are still a few hidden dangers ahead, if I tread carefully then the future looks better than I once envisaged!
P.S. At times I felt alone, but I never was, this was a team effort ☺️
Wishing blue skies forever x
Blue sky is wonderful but when it rains, look for rainbows, when it’s dark, look for stars. When it floods – run 🤣 x
You are a strong gentle man. Well done on getting through those dark places, and I wish you only clear days ahead.
☺️ thanks Gav
Keep looking forward Brian you have many bright days ahead, and the sun will always be at your shoulder warming and showing you the way to better times. Keep well big bird.
Thanks Cavvy 🤗
Thanks Brian, an insightful and spirited read. The power of positive thought reflected and captured in your words are affirming. Keep climbing buddy.
Thanks Bish 🤗👍🏼
Keep out of the woods Brian, stay in the sunshine.
Incredible blog Bri. What a way to describe your journey. So pleased you are in the blue sky and sunshine now and that dark dismal wood is behind you. You have lots of sunny days ahead xx