Bay of Biscay, or BoB to his friends

With a full day (and two nights) at sea I now have the time to kick start the grey matter into life and give you some meat on the bones (or tofu on the rye bread) of yesterday’s photos.

Cruising around the country lanes of Surrey, something I’ve never done before, inspires me to one day do my ‘Village England’ tour. There is so much to be appreciated on our own doorstep without having to venture across foreign lands. So many places to see in so little time, but it’s yet another trip on my definitely ‘to do’ list.

I was fortunate to get this brief glimpse of England’s green and pleasant land due to Guildford being closed on a Monday, my two favourite shops saving my bank account from a minor assault. I’d previously arranged to meet Gav at the Harley shop, as I rolled up I had one of those Victor Meldrew moments and added an appropriate swear word into the phrase “I don’t believe it”! Checking my mobile phone I saw that Gav had actually sent me messages warning me that the two places I was hoping to treat myself were in fact closed. But I was here now, whilst Nige and Sue were over in Woking reacquainting themselves with Ernie and Jenny, and Ernie was in turn acquainting himself with his hired BMW GS.

Gav therefore suggested to me that we meet at a local beauty spot, Newlands Corner, which gave me a 15 minute taste of a county I know nothing about. There’s no doubting that the south seems to ooze money, or at least the places I seem to get lost around, and this contrasts starkly to the flat cap and whippet image of our north.

Whilst I’m on the subject of the north, on our journey south from Cumbria, whenever I’ve ridden behind Nige and Sue and can’t help but but stare at the enormous ‘UK’ sticker on their top box. I’m like a moth being drawn to the light, but can’t help thinking it’s like the motorcyclists version of a string vest and braces! “Ay up, I’m from the north y’know”? It’s now the tour’s subject of ridicule, and despite my best efforts (when about to board the ferry) to get the young female customs officer to class it as an offensive weapon, all she said was that mine seemed a particularly small! One – nil to Mr Watson I think, although he’s obviously compensating for something!

Back to Newlands Corner, a beautiful little spot with an extensive view (for Surrey) and it was great to meet up with Gav yet again. We were fortunate to be there when a classic car club was congregating for their ‘run’ and I was particularly surprised to see a De Lorean, the car from Rachel’s favourite film, but I wouldn’t like to get up to 88mph in this particular example!

No sooner had Gav and I sat down with our coffee than who should roll up but Nige and Ernie on the acquaintance ride! The place where he was hiring it from recommended Newlands Corner, so it was with much fun that we all greeted each other. Gav gave us all a quick history lesson on the significance of the place to Agatha Christie, before Nige and Ernie headed back to collect the girls. Gav and I said our fond farewells and it wasn’t long before the ‘Famous Five’ eventually got together.

We somehow avoided the forecasted thunderstorms and it wasn’t until we were safely in the bar of the ferry that the heavens opened and the lightning started.

We’re now on the cusp of BoB, which is living up to its reputation, and keeping most of the public areas on board ghostly quiet. It hasn’t stopped me from tucking into a full English, despite the restaurant behind at the ‘bouncy end’ of the ship. After my hearty breakfast I retired to midships to get these few thoughts down and then returned to the restaurant to top up the English with a continental. 

The sun now starts to make an appearance and reflects its brilliant light off the choppy swell of the sea, the warmth of its rays is a sign that things are looking good.

In 24 hours we’ll be in Spain, whereupon the ‘road trip’ begins. 🤗

12 Replies to “Bay of Biscay, or BoB to his friends”

  1. I forgot to ask you if you are a member of the Brittany Ferries premium club? I never joined, but I overheard others suggesting it was a good deal with useful benefits.

    Lovely to see you and your friends. For those interested Brian makes a cameo right at the end of this video, turning up at Newlands Corner and making a 1250GS look like a monkey bike.

  2. Brian is too polite to mention but I was one of the 🤢 contingent, BoB living up to its reputation. 30-odd hours staring at the horizon or laying on the bunk was not in the plan.

    Next time it’ll be the Tunnel for me!

  3. Nice photos Brian, no photos of the white horses while passing through BoB though 🤣
    Nice to be back on the stead’s enjoy 🏍💨

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