The Famous Five

OK, we’re not famous but we are now five.

We will be boarding in an hour, which is far too short a time to get my brain into gear to produce anything worth reading, so here are some photos with a quick resumé.

My new fitness regime meant I skipped the full English in favour of a short walk
Guildford was closed today, both here and the Motolegends shop so it was a money saving visit!
Gav (of Seville fame) met me at the local beauty spot Newlands Corner. By chance Nige and Ernie turned up!
At Newlands Corner were some classic vehicles
Wot, no flux capacitor?!!
And then there were five!
A typically English afternoon tea
Bognor Regis
Surprisingly we dodged the rain today
You can tell which is the Watson’s bike by Nige’s enormous UK sticker! 🤦🏻‍♂️
Next stop Spain

7 Replies to “The Famous Five”

  1. Fitness regime – let’s see how. Any beers you have throughout 😜. Saved some money too and no new bike gear to carry round! Enjoy your trip x

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