Jersey, my word (remains uneaten)

The three hour ferry delay combined with an army of ineptitude vehicle loading staff meant that I finally arrived at my Guernsey hotel at 1am this morning. Although the weather was quite hot during the prolonged wait to board (bored) I was cool about it, and laughed at the  Keystone Cops style of organisation. I don’t think I’ll be quite as relaxed if the same thing happens tomorrow night for the onward sailing to England.

Jersey: A bikers view

Don’t go there to ride your motorbike! 

If Carlsberg did ‘Best biker islands’ then Jersey would ‘Probably’ feature near the bottom.

That’s not to say it’s a bad holiday destination, it will suit many people for many different reasons, there is so much to do, whether it be cycling, walking, history, water sports or enjoying the many beaches to mention just some activities. The few people who spoke to me yesterday just loved the place, and I get that, I must admit to finding some very pleasant places, but for me it has pretty much everything I dislike for motorcycling.

I’m glad I came, because unless you try you’ll never know, but I doubt I’ll ever return.

The German MP2 Rangefinder Tower at La Corbiere
By all accounts the Channel Islands has the third largest tidal range in the World after the Bay of Fundy, Canada, and the Severn Estuary
The glass at the top of the rangefinder tower is now for tourists, it’s holiday accommodation at £2,000 a week.
Stumbled across the underground German hospital but it was closed by the time I got there.
Bouley Bay
No wonder it was hot!
Anne Port
Breakfast on Guernsey, despite my experience of Jersey I’m looking forward to exploring my second Channel Island

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