Making the most of it!

After collecting the GoPro at 3.30am, I did the necessary posting, had breaky and at 5am headed off on the bike for a two hour ride to the very end of the islands. Here are just some photos, I’m working on other stuff (including video) and may, only may publish later.

The two bridges leading from Fredvang.
The mountain in the background Rachel and I named ‘The Wizard’s Hat’.
Its real name is Volandstinden
Place names don’t get any shorter! The village at end of the islands.
Traditional fishing and seafarers houses are adapted into tourist accommodation.
Many new ones being built specifically for that purpose, which just goes to show where the income lies.
Reine (on my way back)
Cod drying on wooden racks, if you don’t like the smell of fish then it’s probably better that you steer clear!
Again the two bridges to Fredvang
Ramberg Beach

7 Replies to “Making the most of it!”

    1. Itโ€™s not to last I donโ€™t think Rich, in fact itโ€™s clouding over now. It was mid twenties at 5am but now cooler. I have been very lucky though!

  1. I spent some time in Norway. I was there mostly in the winter. Gets bright at 10, starts getting dark at 3. Summer is clearly the time to go.

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