The heart strings were well and truly plucked as I rode away from my family. It will be another month until I see them again, and after spending so much time in their company I anticipated that this would be a difficult moment.
It lived up to expectations, but I had planned how to deal with it, look forward not back. As soon as I’d clicked the bike up into second gear my hand was free (from clutch duties) to wave them farewell.
I’ve hopefully learnt from my Canary Islands trip so I feel a little progression with solo travelling.

After leaving the ‘kids’ at Bury St Edmunds for them to head to the cooler climes of the northern wastelands, I headed even further east to reminisce about motorcycling in my teens. A quick visit to The David Silver Honda Collection at Leiston stirred memories more of Rachel’s past bikes than mine! I think she beat me with Hondas 5-3.

On my last ferry trip (back from Spain in May) I hit it off with a lovely couple Mike and Margaret. We’ve stayed in touch and, living in Suffolk, they very kindly fed, watered and generally entertained me for the afternoon and evening prior to my one hour ride to Harwich for the ferry.
Mike took me for a spin in one of his rather nice motors, a Ford Mustang five litre V8! As seems to be the norm in Suffolk, it was lovely sunny dry weather, so the roof was down, and for once I didn’t feel my sexuality was in question!

I’m not sure when the next post will be as I’ll be with Lo and Gina in Hamburg Tuesday night, but possibly if I get chance Wednesday when I will hopefully be in Copenhagen 👍🏼
Dear Sven, wishing you and the old bloke a lovely trip north. At least you’ve got great weather! 😁
Bon Voyage Brian and Sven. Look forward to following your adventures. 🥰🥰
Thanks Judy 🤗
The adventure begins…
Watch out for tall leggy blondes…Sven might be tempted …..
Have a great time and stay safe.
Stay safe
Value Sven’s company
Enjoy the adventure
New photos are eagerly awaited x
🤗 Thanks Jackie x
Thanks Jackie 🤗x
Lovely time with the family . Did Rob finish the big breakfast 😱?
Sven – look after the old bugger, no leading him astray 😜. Look forward to reading your blog – more content for the much anticipated book …………..📖 x
Yeah Marie he finished it! 🤗 x