After six weeks on the road, tonight I spent a lovely evening with my family, the youngest of whom had to be tucked up in bed at home, and very kindly looked after by Judy.
This gave Amy, Yann, Sarah, Rob and me time to enjoy each others company at a local hotel for the evening. The piped music was appropriate, so much so that Yann asked the staff for the playlist.

Of the many tracks that were played one in particular stood out for me, by Elbow, a group from my home town of Manchester. The reason it ‘struck a chord’ was that the last time I heard it was in the van. Rachel and I used to play it at maximum volume, it fitted our life.
Quite a few places in the video we actually went to, and I plan to set off back to Scandinavia on 20th June for some midnight sun. Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock) is featured in the video.