Is it any wonder I don’t listen to music?

Over breakfast I was having a conversation with Shirl, I may have briefly mentioned her in the past, so apologies if I’m repeating myself? Although she is very much a real person, whom I have known since I was 12, the conversation was a virtual one, conducted through that modern medium of text. 

Shirl & I were class mates when our family moved to Grange in 1969. I went to Cartmel school for the last few months of that school year, and despite my inadequacies actually returned for the new school year in September. At school, Shirl and I were never more than classmates, she seemed quite clever, whereas I was swimming around the middle of the fish pond, only interested in football, art and tech drawing, although I did develop an interest in geography, which may not come as such a surprise? My footy interest connected me with my great friend Les, Goody and soon to become Shirl’s boyfriend Will. Us four lads became joined at the hip through football for the rest of our school life. As the years passed and I met Rachel at 17, Shirl, Will, Rachel and I connected to all become friends, we even holidayed together. Shirl and Will married whilst still teenagers ‘It’ll never last for a couple getting married so early’. They’re still married and have two daughters, and grand children coming out of their ears!

So, back to breakfast.

Shirl said ‘You seem to have been away ages, I bet you don’t want to come back’?

My reply ‘Actually I do! 😆 I’m looking forward to being amongst family and friends again! It’s not as easy as I make it look 🤣

Whether it was our conversation or just my mood I don’t know, but on cue the piped music in the restaurant fired up with The Pretenders song ‘I’ll stand by you’

Oh, why you look so sad?

Tears are in your eyes

Come on and come to me now

Don’t be ashamed to cry

Let me see you through

That was enough, I couldn’t laugh it off this time.

But I made a point of focusing on the day ahead, I was destined for Cumbria, or at least somewhere similar, in more senses than one……..

Lovely weather east of La Laguna but it’s obvious what lies ahead!
Just a few miles further along and time for the waterproofs to make a reappearance
Absolutely worth some dampness just for this!
Getting like Cumbria
Even closer!
This place is Chamorga, not many tourists come here!
Unintentional comedy photo! When I took this selfie it didn’t strike me that it might be misinterpreted! 😬
One of my favourite roads on the island, the TF-12 to San Andres
Lunch stop at San Andres
They made an exception for Reg!
We took the high road
After a very difficult ride up through the cloud I enjoyed time in the sun again
Yet another shot above the clouds but it always makes me feel good!

11 Replies to “Is it any wonder I don’t listen to music?”

  1. Never stop listening, wonderful memories!!
    Back to the biking enjoyable roads and great adventures
    Keep having fun 🏍💨

  2. Wow! Stunning photos mate.
    I refuse to comment upon your comedy photo on the grounds it could become decidedly smutty 🤣

  3. Stop listening to music 🎶 – put your ear plugs in. Waterproofs seemed to be making an appearance quite often 🌨🌈. Good photos including that one 😉. Homeward bound soon – chill out on your last day x

  4. Cracking blog and photos even the shall we say “child” photo hmm. 😂 it still made smile. Glad you still miss old Blighty safe journey back and hope to see you soon.

  5. I liked the Cumbrian link Brian. As for your riske’ photo. I can imagine Rachel saying ‘ Oh Brian, honestly!’
    Safe trip home xx

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