An appropriate title for our transition to BST, of which Tenerife shares. But the real reason for the choice of the title is reflecting on ‘The Kinsella’s in The Canaries’.
I’m not sure if I could accurately tell you the number of times I’ve previously been to one of the islands of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote or La Palma, either with my parents, as parents, with Rachel’s family or just Rachel. I am now pleased to add La Gomera to that list but I am unlikely to return, not by motorcycle in any case.
Friends Neil and Kath asked me “Have you enjoyed your trip as much as it sounds on the blog”?
My reply:
It’s a long haul and expensive to get here compared to staying on the mainland. The weather has been better than in Spain, usually in the 20s at sea level, so it’s definitely ticked that box. I’m also glad I’ve been able to properly see Tenerife and particularly the experience of La Gomera, which was worth the trip alone! I was thinking whilst riding today (who said men can’t multi-task?!) That it’s unlikely I’ll return, for three reasons:
Firstly: There’s so many other places I want to go.
Secondly: Tenerife is getting over populated! The main road around the island reminds me of that dreaded AP7 along The Costas! The rest of Spain has vast areas which are sparsely populated whereas, being an island, it’s only the interior which is relatively quiet, and even then there’s loads of those bloody tourists in hire cars and coaches! 😂
Thirdly: There are things in my life other than travel.
The #1 ‘thing’ of course is Evan, who is now actually older than his mum and auntie were when they first came to Tenerife, my fading memory recalls Amy being ten months old and the next time we came, Sarah was just eight months old. My grandson is now older than my children were when they came here?! It is yet another reminder of how time is flying by so quickly. Which brings me to flying…..
As I emerged from the aircraft toilet at 40,000’ holding baby aloft, similar to Bobby Moore lifting the World Cup in 1966, I received a standing ovation from the rest of the passengers on board! Forget the mile high club, changing a baby’s nappy in an aircraft toilet must feature as of one of man’s greatest ever achievements, well if not man’s, then certainly this man’s! Ok, so maybe my mind is playing tricks again and it wasn’t a standing ovation, or the people standing were just desperate to use the toilet? But there was certainly a ripple of applause.
It seems strange to think that my grandson is now actually older than Amy and Sarah were, and I suppose this is the beauty of memory, we can recall events as if they were yesterday. It also reminds me of what Sir Alex Ferguson said after he had his stroke, that the most important thing to him was that he didn’t lose his memory, I can certainly understand that now!
So enough of football related references and I’ll get back on track with this trip.
The Canary Islands will continue to thrive as a tourist destination as it’s the closest place to home where the weather can be more or less guaranteed, all the year round. Like I said, as a family we did it many times, but to think that the last time we were here as a family would be at least twenty years ago! Two decades gone in a flash!
There’s a big difference between flying here and following the usual tourist routine compared with what I’m doing. I did the former many times and recollect that one of the best ever island coach trips we had was in fact on Lanzarote. But what I’m doing now is a different animal, to tick boxes which I couldn’t tick by flying here. I am responsible for every decision, where I stay, for how long, what I choose to see and when, which ferry crossings to get, and the dreaded budget! So far so good, so much so in fact that friends Ray and Ken have entrusted me with arranging a ten day motorcycle tour of the First World War Western Front Way in August! A topic I quickly realised would have been better not to mention when chatting with my new German motorcycle friend in La Gomera, or maybe I was just being over sensitive?
Yesterday Reg and I returned to a favourite road of ours to ride it in the opposite direction. The TF-523 is yet another road on the island that attracts its fair share of bikers, most of which are a few decades younger than me riding what is commonly referred to as pocket rockets. During the climb I saw one such biker emerge in my mirrors and duly waved him/her past to ride the remainder of the climb more ‘spiritedly’ than I was prepared to. I had no desire to keep with him/her, no excuses for not keeping up. As opposed to when I was younger, I no longer see it as a gauntlet being thrown down. I just smile to myself, content that at ‘late middle age’ I can still get enjoyment at my own pace.
It had been my intention that once at the summit of the TF-523 I would turn right and head towards La Esperanza to take in the extensive views offered along the ridge of the TF-24. However, yet again I had been riding in conditions like ‘The Vale of York in winter’ and as I reached the junction I knew I had to turn left and climb to get above that magical 6,500’ to see the sun again! Literally at 6,400’ I climbed out of the cloud to reveal a beautiful blue sky and view of El Teide. Lunch at a bikers haunt gave me time to again thaw out, before yet again a descent through the cloud on the north side, calling in briefly at La Orotava before returning to my hotel.

Are you getting saddle sore now? It’s quite a journey….in more ways than one.
No not at all but having a day off today 👍🏼
“…a tad on the chilly side, 14C”? Blimey we’re all basking here at 14C! 😜. AND it’s sunny ☀️ 😎.
Of course next week it’ll be back to single digit temperatures and rain ☔️
Enjoy it whilst you’re there mate 👍
Great blog as usual Brian, hope you are enjoying your day off 🍺🌞. We were in Portpatrick for the weekend – I got sunburn 😱. Lots of bikers out – loads of Harley’s. How many more days have you and where you going tomorrow? X
Yeah lovely photos of yours at Portpatrick! I’ve got another week but playing each day by ear. Most of the places I wanted to see have been bagged so I can slow down a bit now. x
Great photos again Brian. I can’t get over the depth of the remaining snow! How much longer have you got before returning to British soils?
About a week Jackie x
Great blog and photos Brian. Weather has been great here this last week so much so first bbq was had. Even got the bike out to prep it for the forthcoming first ride out but to no avail. This morning woke to rain, cold and overcast sky’s, typical Cumbria then. Enjoy yours as it will definitely be better there than here. Oh did I mention sleet and snow due Wednesday oh never mind, I will just polish the bike and cover it up then and dream of long sunny days. ☹️
😆 we’ll have get out on a nice day when I return 😊👍🏼
Great Blog, as usual Brian, been beautiful weather here in Cornwall all week, but it’s all about to change again.
Stay safe.x
Thanks both 🤗x