The 84 year olds at the table next to us were a chatty couple, they’d been coming here for the last 20 years, so that’s some kind of recommendation! They are also staying in the same apartment block as us.
You will have noticed by now that I’m using the term ‘us’, well yes, I was invited out to dinner tonight by a fellow German motorcyclist, a 35 year old striking blonde female. Just kidding, a 25 stone, 58 year old geezer but hey, any port in a storm as they say! Just kidding again, I’m not that desperate, and thankfully neither is Andreas!
As I sat on my balcony yesterday I couldn’t help but hear the rumble of a BMW tractor (sorry Nige) motorcycle, rolling up outside the apartment block. I peered over to see a large guy struggling to get his leg over, not an uncommon sight you may think? Anyway, I thought no more of it but noticed later that the bike was parked 100 metres away next to mine, and happened to see it had a German plate thereon.
This morning, despite the hills looking a tad gloomy, I headed off in search of pastures, or at least valleys, new. As I pulled into yet another viewpoint, what should pull up behind me but the said BMW. As Andreas struggled to dismount, I was genuinely concerned that either he or both would end up in a crumpled heap on the ground, he burst into perfect English in such a friendly manner, and before you could say “Einen Frankfurter und Sauerkraut bitte”, he’d invited me out to dinner! Well, as Rachel used to say “You’re so easily led”, and so being a ‘Yes’ man I said, well “Yes”.

But enough of my social life, let’s get back to the cut and thrust of today’s travels. Contrast is the best way I can describe it, beautifully sunny 24 degree heat at sea level compared to a blanket of 9 degree cloud at 5,000 feet. Despite that, it was yet another thoroughly enjoyable day with more stunning photo opportunities than I had film in my iPhone for!

More superb photos Bri, and a little tantalising text to get us going!! 😉😄
This trip is a real adventure Brian. The scenery wonderful, you’ve met some interesting characters but I’m afraid those roads look like my worst nightmare. The twists and turns are bad enough but the lack of barriers and sheer drops a step too far. Be careful!
Yeah Jackie, I’d be frightened………..if Dave was driving! 🤣🤣
An amazing journey Brian and some scary photos. Which bike did you think handle the bends better? Or is it each to their own as they say. Great roads.
I don’t ride with Andreas, we just met at the side of the road then went our separate ways. Any bike would be good here although there are loads of unsurfaced roads only really suitable for adventure bikes.
Fantastic photos! It all looks amazing. Giving me itchy feet….
Keep enjoying 😊xx
Thanks Liz ☺️xx
Very amusing Brian!
La Gomera is supposed to be lovely I’m told. Do you agree?
Absolutely Deborah! 🤗
My worst nightmare – don’t like sheer drops 😱.
What a beautiful place thought – will have to go.
Be careful!
Marie, Careful is my middle name, it’s what the ‘C’ stands for, Brian C Kinsella 😆
It’s not what I was told 😜
Thanks for remembering me 😜. I’d love to ride those bends with you, the sheer drop just aids the view 🏔
Sounds to me like both Jackie and Marie have volunteered for a ride on Reg 🤣… sheer drops optional 😱
🤔 How could I forget you?! 😂 There is a tunnel here now (which is the proper road) I just thought I’d have a deek at this as it wasn’t barriered off. 🤔
Great entertaining read & pictures Brian
Thanks Rich 🤗👍🏼