“Do you have a wife”? Asked the polite Norwegian lady. An unusual follow up I thought, to the series of travel themed questions preceding it. But this was no chat up line, at least it certainly wasn’t received as such, and I’m sure it wasn’t meant to be. Neither was the caring touch of my hand when I said that Rachel had died twenty months ago. I have to admit that the sympathetic touch took me aback, but it was just her trying to figure out why I’d come all this way alone. Maybe she’d noticed my wedding ring? Who knows what goes through a woman’s mind? I never managed to work it out! You shouldn’t even misinterpret the “Have you got somewhere to stay”? It’s not how it reads, honestly, it’s just that she was surprised that I hadn’t come to be with friends.
I’d been tipped off about the La Paz biker cafe on the nursery slopes of the mountains, along the amazing TF-21 road, and the tip off wasn’t because of the proliferation of marauding Norwegian ladies, it was strictly motorcycle focused. This was the road that actually slapped me in the face when I first arrived, this was the road I said needed to be treated as though every bend was a hairpin, I found it challenging the first time around. When Reg and I climbed it this morning I thought ‘OMG, this is brilliant’. Yes it can still bite you on the bum, but compared to what I’d done the last two days it was a total breeze. It seems I’m adjusting to the twisties, or at least I hope so!
The young waitress girl asked me if it was ok for her to take a photo as they like to publish biker stuff on their website, I said “Yeah no problem”. She took a photo……………. of me! 😱 And Reg thought he was the star!
So as I was finishing my second coffee on the verandah of this very nice cafe, the Norwegian lady popped through just to wish me all the best, that was unexpected and kind of her.
Suitably refreshed I prepared to fire up the Rocket, but was conscious that another biker was deliberately hanging back until I set off. Now this is something I was very wary of, Mad Sundays. The reason I came here today was specifically to see other bikes and bikers, not to test my riding ability against them. Sure enough as Reg and I launched off from the cafe, along came our chaperone. Within quarter of a mile I threw him a dummy, pulled into a view point and let him fly away. Been there, done it and not doing it again!
The viewpoint was rubbish, however the next one was very good. No sooner had I parked up than a smaller bike rolled up. The rider immediately looked at Reg and said “That’s no 125” !
“Well no it isn’t”
“How big is it”? No, not another chat up line!
“WTF! You don’t need more than a 125 on these roads”!
“I seem to manage”
He threw his hand out and said “I’m Michael”. He seemed like a bit of a jack of all trades, runs a multifunctional business over here and asked if it was ok to take photos? Thankfully of Reg, not me!

It was a beautiful day above the clouds, I thought of my other biker buddies and how much they would enjoy these roads and temperatures. But it’s not easy or quick to arrive here on your own bike, so maybe I just have to wait until they’re all old enough?
I must admit Michael takes as good a photo as you do 😂😂. You are getting very good at the hairpins. Another good blog.
Thanks Marie 🤗
Your Day sounded great ,pleased you enjoyed it and didn’t take the bait !!
I’m maturing day by day so you never know I may take your bait .
Enjoy your days pedal gently
🤗 thanks Ken! 🥰
Well, I’m smiling!
A gentleman as always.
😆 I try 😬
Yes, you are older than me. If I had to wait until I was your age to ride there, I’d be arriving in… May? 🤣🤣🤣