As Andy D and I rode south together down a very wet M5, I was mystified why he would go to all the effort of leaving Carlisle on Tuesday morning to spend two days accompanying me on the English sector of my trip? Most of the riding was on motorways in weather which was typically English, it seemed the lure of visiting The Cotswolds and Exmouth, combined with a few pints out with me, was reason enough to get his bike out of the garage. In any event, it was good to be together for a couple of days even if I questioned it ‘the morning after the night before’!

Two Devon Dumplings
The attractive, scantily clad young lady needn’t have been so quick to cover up as I took my seat at the table alongside! Although I may display all the attributes of your typical sixty year old J.D. Wetherspoons pervert, I still consider myself a gentlemanly enough not to gawp at so much bare flesh! But she wasn’t to know, and I don’t blame her.
Almost by way of apology, maybe realising that I was not in fact a perv, she made a point of saying “We’ve spent enough money here” and departed with her female friend, leaving Andy and me to focus on our beer and wine. It seemed apt that as the barman arrived at our table with the next round that he introduced them as “Two Devon Dumplings”?

Thursday morning we went our separate ways, Andy heading back up north and me heading east to Portsmouth for the ferry. It was another filthy wet day and despite being on good roads Reg looked more like he’d been ploughing a field!
Seville Gav, whom many will recall from my previous Spanish trip, came down from his home in Guildford for the sole purpose of seeing me off! Yet another example of mystifying human behaviour, but yet again, I really appreciated his effort and it was great to meet up again!

Commodore Lounge
It won’t take long before Brittany Ferries realise that there’s no profit in allowing Brits unlimited supply of food and alcohol for £35! There seemed to be a plethora of people ensuring that they were going to get their money’s worth!
As I read your post in my caravan in a sunny if not cool Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, I stop and think upon what you have said. My only reply can be as they say in North Yorkshire, there’s nowt as queer as folk. It just goes to shoe Big Bird how well people think of you. Bon voyage mon ami.
😆Cheers Cavvy! 👍🏼
Pretty place Brian. Is it Broadway?
You did get the horrible weather this side of the continent but hopefully it’ll improve as you go south.
Happy and safe travels!
Bourton-on-the-Water Deborah, all lovely villages around there! 🤗 x
Travel safely! So pleased you have sorted out the panniers for this trip
😆👍🏼 Great to see you Gav! 🤗
A good start mate. The rain was falling just to convince you that you are doing the right thing by seeking the warm sunshine and empty roads 👍
We’re sitting here with a bowl of olives and a large tequila, pretending we’re with you 😜
Well, you must have looked to realise the young lady was attractive and scantily clad 😂😂😂😂.
Just wait until you get on those Spanish beaches… the girls might be wearing even less!
😂😎 Glanced not gawped Yvonne!! 😂
I’m glad to hear you’ve had some company for the beginning of your trip Brian.
Have a fabulous time and Dave and I will read your travel news with interest. I’m jealous of you heading for warmer climes our 6 weeks in Spain are almost a distant memory already! Xxx 😘
Two things spring to mind….. you say your not the typical sixty year old Spoons pervert, to which I agree, cos you’re 65 . Secondly, how can anybody spend too much in Wetherspoons 🤔 cheapest is 99p a pint !
Both good points to which I have to agree! 😂
Bourton on the water looks lovely. So nice to have the company along the way. You’ve got some great friends .
Yeah I have Marie 🤗