The Spanish Trip Continues………Virtually

As I sit in the frozen wastelands of northern Europe, surrounded by snow, I get frequent reminders of warmer climes.

Carlos, Seville Gav, Estepona Harry, Jean Marie, Caroline and Richard are still in my ‘phonebook’ and report on life across Europe.

I was particularly pleased to get a message this morning from Carlos in Galicia, he has just won his age group in a recent off road motorcycle event! It must have been that extra practice he did when he led me around that dusty track in northwest Spain 😆

Well done Carlos!

Seville Gav is still flitting back and forth between Guildford and the Spanish costas and using his experience to help other would be sun seekers by posting helpful YouTube clips.

Jean Marie is still waiting for the arrival of his new bike, Harry and James still enjoying a more comfortable motorcycling environment, although Caroline and Richard from Amsterdam have been down to the Alps in their campervan 😱 🥶

Back home, I was a little surprised to to find that the editor of the Triumph Owners Motorcycle Club magazine thought that my brief account of the trip was worthy of inclusion in this month’s edition!

14 Replies to “The Spanish Trip Continues………Virtually”

  1. Great to see the adventure continues. I read the article in the Triumph Owners magazine and really enjoyed it and I may say well written. Good work and I agree can’t wait for the book to be published and will expect a signed copy.

  2. Fabulous Brian, sadly I can’t get a good enough picture of the text to read the publication, but well done I’m sure you have a copy so can perhaps read it when I/we see you next. I can however see the photographs which are lovely, especially the photo with Rach. Xxx 😘

  3. That looks like a lovely piece in the Owners club magazine, well done you! Weather down here is currently 18C…T shirt friendly by the middle of the afternoon. I have all my bike gear down here, just need to rent a bike. There is a Yamaha place in Marbella that I’m hoping can help. So glad you had a largely hassle free trip, and that the brake problem hasn’t reoccurred. Hope to see you at Christmas in MotoLegends!

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