I want you to be with me on my bike trips, not to just read my trip, but feel my trip. I want to share the feelings I feel because only by you feeling how I feel can you really have any idea what it’s like.
I suppose that’s the skill of the author, and although I have often been described as a bit of an ‘artist’, I’m afraid I’m not yet eloquent nor intelligent enough to really share with you what it’s like to be me, or at least be with me.
That is what I strive to achieve, to give you a feeling of being wherever I might be, either geographically or emotionally.
I’ve given the Valencia pavements a good paggering (20 miles in the last two days), and after today’s outing I thought I’d give Burger King opposite the hotel a miss, and nip around the corner to a proper restaurant for paella, and a very good restaurant it was too, apart from the background music. It started with Take That’s ‘I want you back’, but the next track was bound to be an improvement, only for it to be James (music to commit suicide by) Blunt’s ‘Goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend’, and I only had one paper hanky in my pocket!
But apart from that blip things are going really well, the ride east from Tomelloso took many hours, partly due to me wanting to avoid the major roads. I enjoyed riding along the deserted roads through what I would describe as trees of broccoli, I haven’t really captured it properly in the photos, but I took my time enjoying the environment.

After the land of broccoli the landscape changed to vast wooded areas set in red and orange earth but no photos I’m afraid.
However I’ve more than made up for it with Valencia!

Valencia is fabulous. It has so many different sides to it. If you haven’t already found it the market is worth a look architecturally as well as the stalls within. Xx
Think I’ve been just about everywhere Jackie but still have one more day.😅 xx
What a beautiful place! Great photos. 😁
Big bird you write if not eloquently but from the heart and I for one get it. I have loved every minute of your blog whether serious or tounge in cheek. I get the journey and equally enjoy it with you. Keep up the good work. 👍🏻😁
Thanks Cavvy, very kind! 🤗
You do write from the heart and I can honestly say we share the journey with you as if we are there. I feel as if I know Eric really well too – even though we haven’t seen him today – bless 🏍. Love the photos and the broccoli. Music hurts 😘
It’s Reg as in Reg Dwight (Elton John – Rocket Man), but he’ll forgive you 😆
Who the hell is Eric – where did that come from 😂😂😂😂 – been a long day 😜
😆 but thanks 🤗
It looks amazing! OK that one is on the list!
Well apart from never having been on a motorbike, not even sat on one and since the dodgy hips I think that joy has passed me by, I can understand the enjoyment you get from the open road.
You do bring us followers with you, you do write with flow and eloquence and feeling. I have said to you many times and indeed only a few days ago that you could write a best selling travel book, although the title “Reg and Brian” doesn’t quite have the right ring to it!
Keep on rolling Brian. We love it.
🤣 🤣x