Embrace what I do have, not long for what I don’t, easy when I feel strong and focussed, not so easy at other times.
But this morning I feel good and positive despite the rain and I’m looking forward to the prospect of riding across the Sierra Morena to my overnight stop at Tomelloso, en route to Valencia. It’s the first outing for the waterproofs and the waterproof covers for the throw over panniers so we’ll see how they perform.
I was down to three bars on the fuel gauge before I departed Córdoba this morning but that’s good for about 50 miles. I ignored the filling stations along the main E5 as I headed east towards Montoro, where I turned off to head north up the N420 into the Sierra Moreno. I’d noticed at the start of this road that I had a couple of miles in hand to reach the small town of Cardeña, where I assumed there would be a petrol station. We started to go uphill for what turned out to be a long time, this became the moment I started to ponder the meaning of the word ‘Sierra’. The couple of miles I had extra in the tank quickly disappeared until I was in deficit by a few. When we did eventually peak out at about 3,500’ it was a case of freewheeling on the few downhill sections, but we made it, the fuel gauge was registering no petrol, the miles left in the tank – 0.

So after giving Reg a tank full we nipped around the corner and found a cafe bar where I could take stock of the impact of the torrential rain. There was no let up so it was a case of just cracking on.

Four to Five hours of rain was too much for everything, fortunately the MacBook was wrapped in a plastic bag so survived a soaking. I thought for a moment that my socks were dry but was mistaken, only the stuff in the tote bag survived but hey, it’s all part of the journey.

If only Triumph had some waterproof panniers… oh, err, wait… 😂
Remember Brian:
Four wheels moves the body but
Two wheels moves the soul 🏍🏍.
Bet Reg enjoyed a good warm shower 🚿🌧 and at least it was dry in the bar 🍺x
Living dangerously I’d call the petrol situation! You were lucky 😊
No luck Jackie, it was skill 🤗x
It’s been pissing down here too. Tower Bridge was flooded. Yes, you read that correctly, the bridge was flooded.
Take care in the wet!
Cutting it fine again big bird. Being wet is not something I miss on the bike. But at least it will have been warm. Take care in the wet.
Well now you know that Reg will run on empty! That could save you a few bob!
I think you should invest in a couple of those grocery carriers you can buy cheaply in supermarkets. They are a disappearing breed but I think they are called “plastic bags”. They are waterproof and you can use them again and again.