Being a Bather not a Biker

My present stopover is a family run B&B three miles east of Ribadesella, and as FB friends have been urging me to get out swimming, from one of the many beautiful beaches, I had to think ‘travel light’ from a completely new angle. 

I managed to wrap my two Liteloks around the tiny backrest, as these would be needed to secure my helmet jeans and jacket whilst swimming. There is just enough space under the seat for my wallet, phone and room key. The rest of my stuff was in the Triumph shoulder bag which I left on a rock not far from where I swam. Everything went, dare I say ‘swimmingly’, and after my dip I dried off by walking the mile beach and back.

It may not look great but it worked!
Before the swim I got a lather on climbing up to the church at Punta del Caballo from where I could survey my swim spot.
Looking towards the town from the same spot
Takes me back to my athletic days! 😆
Warm enough for no wetsuit!

On returning to Reg everything was still how I left it, which came as no great surprise as the Liteloks were threaded through the arms of my jacket, one of the legs of the jeans and the chin bar of the helmet.

The beach was now getting busy, but it’s so vast that everybody had plenty of space unlike the roads and car parks which get so rammed the local cops are on permanent point duty! Fortunately on every street there are dedicated free parking bays for motorbikes, in fact I never saw any parking charges for any of the on street or car park parking, nor any time constraints, a little different from over populated England!

After the usual tourist walk around town I treated myself to a monkfish lunch, to say ‘treated’ is maybe overstating it, as it was half a dozen battered pieces of fish with a little mayonnaise and a slice of lemon oh, and four chunks of bread, very tasty though!

Mid afternoon (when it gets quite hot) it was back to the B&B to wash off all the salt and plan my onward journey for the day after tomorrow. 

Afternoon tea in the shade with some blogging and route planning

It’s going to be west out of Asturias and into (even greener) Galicia, first stop will be two nights at Limés and then three nights at Gres, just outside Santiago de Compostela, then I’ll have to see about heading south via a visit to see Carlos.

7 Replies to “Being a Bather not a Biker”

  1. It seems that you are enjoying your Spanish exploration and the weather!
    A very good friend of mine and John walked the pilgrim trail through the Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostilo some years ago. Not sure where it starts but I think somewhere in France?
    He got all his passport stamps and although not a religious man enjoyed the service at the cathedral, held daily. Maybe worth going.

  2. Looks like you are having a great time – very civilised having afternoon tea too. Looking good in lime 😂

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