
A fortnight before embarking on a six weeks tour of Spain, the sensible option would probably have been to keep the motorcycle which is universally accepted as being the No.1 choice for adventure/touring riders across Europe, but sensible is maybe an attribute not usually associated with yours truly?

Out with the old

So with less than two weeks to go before my grand depart, I sold the trusty BMW and bought a bike more suited to posing than Euro touring, draw your own conclusions!

In with the new

But the reason I bought this 2.5 litre Triumph, yes another Triumph, was because it’s the first time I’ve felt in awe of a motorcycle since I was 18 years of age, when I threw my leg over a Kawasaki Z1. This new bike is about how it makes me feel, not how functional it is.

On Wednesday I set off in a southerly direction towards Portsmouth, an 11pm sailing for the leisurely 32 hour crossing to Bilbao via a port call at Roscoff, France.

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Finally I would like to thank my I.T. guru Jonathan for helping this techno cretin sort out this site, so thank you Jonathan!

Finally finally, until Wednesday…….

8 Replies to “Welcome!”

  1. The truly sensible option for transport would probably be a nice Ford Fiesta 😜. All kudos to you for having the bottle to follow your heart. If the Rocket accelerates, stops, goes around corners and can carry your luggage then it’s a sensible solution. And wow, it does look amazing!

    I may have poked a little fun at you during the days and weeks of choosing your new steed, but I am so pleased you made the choice that makes your heart sing.

    So go have fun 😁

  2. Have a great time Brian, will be reading with interest and will look forward to providing a stop on your return in late September.

  3. You’re very brave Brian. I’m a little concerned about the lack of luggage you can transport but I’m sure you’ll find a way round it – perhaps wearing layers 😂.
    Have a great time, but stay safe I’ll look forward to reading your blog xx

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