In preparation for a six week venture into Spain (starting from Portsmouth on 11th August) I will, over the next four days, be having a short trip into Wales with biking buddies Nige and Andy.
The choice of steed is no longer the trusty BMW GS, as that departed my garage last Friday, so the Wales trip will be on my recently acquired Triumph Bonneville T120.

The real purpose of this blog entry is to run (yet another) test to see if it’s working properly, for any of those still in Lockdown with little else to do but follow some old gadgy trying to relive his past! I’d be particularly interested if there is an option for you to comment?
Please bear with me whilst I, or should I say my I.T. wizard, make any necessary adjustments to the site, so all things will be tickety boo come 11th August. 🤞🏼
This is a reply …. – where’s the Rocket ?? ….
Patience my friend!
Go for it Big Bird